I'v been thinking about all the story's there are in the world and the most epic of them all are usually Greek tales, there is always just something about them that makes you believe in it so much more, e.g Troy, This is an epic story where you have the greeks and the trojans battling eachother, The greeks are simply fighting for power and glory where as the trojans are fighting for their country and battling to save there city. At the beginning you have several protagonists and antagonists eg.
Pro = Hectar
Ant= Acilies
Pro = Greek King
Ant = Trojan King
Pro = Paris
Ant = Menalaous
These are the main rivals in the story but what i find interesting about 'Troy' is that half way through our feelings for Acilies change dramatically and actually change him from an Antagonist into a Protagonist especially at the end of the story when he is searching for the one women he loves. This turns the viewers perspective of him as a vilan and turn him more into a hero because we realise that he is not really that bad he simply wants to be remembered, he is not fighting for greed, he only fights for revenge for his cousin.